

The Relations of Classes


In 'Exoteric Classes and Esoteric Divisions of Humanity' were exoteric classes related to esoteric divisions of humanity.1 In this contemplation it shall be sketched what this relation means for the relations of classes.

That the fourfold exoteric class distinction of priests, rulers, craftsmen and workers, as brought to the fore in the aforementioned contemplation, can be traced back to the fourfold esoteric division of humanity of soul, mental, emotional and physical polarized implies that also the relations of the four classes can be traced back to the relations of the four divisions. To come thus to an explication of the relations of classes shall we here first thematize the relations of divisions.

Now what characterizes the relations of divisions is primarily polarity.2 The divisions of humanity are polar charged towards each other. This polarity within the divisions is a reflection of the great polarity of spirit and matter, whereby spirit is positive towards matter and matter negative towards spirit.3 'Positive' here also means 'active' and 'negative' 'passive'. That spirit is positive towards matter means that spirit imposes on matter its rhythm and that matter adjusts itself to this rhythm.4 This is eventually what constitutes evolution. Evolution is the adjustment of matter to spirit. Where matter is the dominating factor we have to do with involution.5 Because we are presently placed on the evolutionary arc,6 we are located in the process whereby matter adjusts itself to spirit. That this regards a process means that matter does not fully adjust itself to spirit from one moment to the other but, although negative and passive in nature towards the positive and active spirit, initially resists it.7

The above sketch about the nature of the primary polarity we can also find in the polarities of the different divisions of humans. For it was stated that the relations of divisions were characterized by polarity. The spiritual more evolved division then shall relate positive towards the less evolved division. The soul polarized then are positive towards all the others, the mental polarized negative towards the first but positive towards the other two, the emotional polarized negative towards the first two but positive towards the last and the physical polarized then are negative towards all others.

When the above sketch is considered it should be taken in account that usually only one or two relations shall be dominant. Differently said are the relations in the divisions hierarchic by nature. Soul polarized shall direct themselves to the influencing of mental polarized. These in their turn shall direct themselves to the influencing of the emotional polarized, who in their turn influence the physical polarized.8 (The soul polarized then have for instance mainly to do with the relation between them and the mental polarized and those last ones mainly with this relation and the relation between them and the emotional polarized).

Now these relations on esoteric level we see reflected in the relations of classes. The priests are positive towards the rulers, craftsmen and workers, the rulers towards the last two, and the craftsmen towards the last. Conversely are the workers negative towards the craftsmen, rulers and priests, the craftsmen towards the last two and the rulers towards the last. And here too have these four classes mainly to do with the in the class hierarchy directly adjacent classes. The class of priests of the spiritual class is mainly busy with the influencing of the class of rulers. They try to bring them to more ethical decisions. It is only for this class that the class of rulers is receptive. They themselves impose their decisions upon the class of craftsmen. These craftsmen generally adjust to the rulers. They themselves give in their turn their orders to the workers who usually follow these orders obediently.

Here it must be mentioned that the above is fully normative but only partly descriptive. The hierarchic and polar relations between the esoteric divisions and exoteric classes are normative because these relations correspond with the evolutionary plan. Evolution is the norm on the evolutionary arc on which we are placed. However as has been remarked earlier does the evolution in which matter is spiritualized initially resist. And this makes that not all the here contemplated is also fully descriptive. A mental polarized individual can resist the influencing by the soul polarized and withhold his decisions an ethical lead.9 Emotional polarized can in stirred up emotions be unreceptive for contentual arguments of mental polarized. And physical polarized can driven by sense enjoyment refuse to follow work orders of emotional polarized. Additionally it should also be taken in consideration that polarizations on individual level are not always reflected in individual class positions.10 A soul polarized who by accidence, choice or destiny sees himself placed in the class of workers is right when he (on basis of his soul polarization) yields not to the orders of craftsmen (or to decisions of rulers when placed in the class of craftsmen). May we thus all resist the material forces and adjust ourselves to the spiritual to take thus our place in the evolutionary plan.

  1. 'Contemplaties, Exoterische klassen en esoterische divisies van de mensheid', Index: 201406282.
  2. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 32. "Masses . . . Negative . . . responsive to desire . . . Civilisation
    Intellectuals . . . Positive . . . responsive to mind . . . Culture"
  3. 'Tijdloze wijsheid, Tripliciteiten in de mens', Index: 201308291.
  4. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 275-276. "Thus we have the production of harmony; first, the basic note of matter, then the note of Spirit gradually overcoming the lower note and usurping attention till gradually the note of Spirit overpowers all other notes."
  5. Ibidem, p. 275. "a. The period of the domination of the form note is that of involution.
    b. The period of the repulsion of form by Spirit is that of the battlefield of the three worlds.
    c. The period of the attraction of Spirit and Spirit, and the consequent withdrawal from form is that of the Path.
    d. The period of domination of the note of Spirit is that of the higher planes of evolution."
  6. Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 21. "As is well known, the five kingdoms of nature on the evolutionary arc might be defined as follows:—the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, and the spiritual kingdom."
  7. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 215. "The attractive power of Spirit in form-building, and in the adaptation of the form to the need, is the secret of the pain and resistance in the world; pain is only caused by resistance, and is a necessary phase in the process of evolution."
  8. Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 3. "It is, therefore, as you can surmise, a process of stepping down rates of vibration until they are sufficiently heavy to affect physical plane matter and thus make possible the building of organised effects on the physical plane."
  9. Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 390. "1. That type of activity which is evil, wicked and depraved. This is called black. This class of action is the product of the deepest ignorance, of the densest materiality, or of deliberate choice. "
  10. 'Contemplaties, De exodus van de spirituele klasse', Index: 201409062.